Give a little. Help a lot.
Western Cause is a non-profit organisation helping to create a world in which children and young people are equipped and empowered through churches and schools, to live with dignity and pride.
A world in which disadvantages at birth should not determine their future.
Our mission is to work with communities to enable children and young people to embrace their potential and to flourish.
Bible Distribution
Western Cause aims to see as many churches established and equipped with the word of God by providing people with their own copy of the bible.
Motorbikes for Pastors
Transportation is a strategic tool for a pastor’s ministry. Many indigenous pastors working in rural areas are limited to walking. A motorbike will help pastors expand their outreach.
WAYS TO GET INVOLVED – If you could give of your energy, time and talents that would be greatly appreciated. Please contact us for some ideas
PLEDGE YOUR BIRTHDAY – Make someone feel special on your birthday. Learn more.
SENDING US A CHEQUE – Please post it to Western Cause, 103 Nutfield Road, Thornton Heath, Croydon CR7 7DR UK. Please mark clearly how you would like the money used, i.e., Bible Distribution, Bikes for Pastors or Bricks for Buildings.
LEAVING US A GIFT IN YOUR WILL – Should you wish to remember Western Cause in your Will,! Learn more.
DONATION OF STOCK – Goods that are donated to us help to raise money to fund our projects or school supplies for our growing schools.. Get in touch to see how you can donate.
Building for Tomorrow
The church is willing to implement a building project if funding could be found. A proper brick building can cost £3,500 to £4,000. You can help this church provide better classrooms for these children.
For as little as £10.00 per month, poor parents in Western Kenya can now receive the quality education that we believe will give children a future outside poverty.
Our school sponsorship programme is a really effective way of helping many children in poor communities get a good start in life. Our goal is to help schools provide a good education in their local communities.
You can be part of something special!
It is said that it takes a village to raise a child. Schools and a good education is an important part of that.
As a sponsor, you will receive a detailed profile of the school that Western Cause is working with and updates on the progress of that school.
Your donations play an invaluable part in making the schools a success.
"Donate today because learning can't wait"
Why Sponsor?
For as little as £10.00 per month, poor parents in Western Kenya can now receive the quality education that we believe will give children a future outside poverty.
Sponsor A School

Child poverty distorts children’s physical, cognitive and social development. Poverty can also set children on a lifelong trajectory of low education levels and reduced productivity, and undermine their physical and mental health.
Children living in poverty are more likely to become impoverished adults and have poor children, thereby creating and sustaining intergenerational cycles of poverty.